As a student of Vedhic astrology, one of the challenges that I faced was studying classical texts. We have so many texts and every text has some exceptional content. Most of the translators did not get a chance to validate the principles mentioned in the texts and due to this, the accuracy of the translation was reduced. One example is Moola Rashi and Dhathu Rashi. This is well explained in my book ‘Untold Vedhic Astrology’. Due to all the reasons mentioned above, I started noting my own observations while studying various classical texts. Over some time, I also felt that novice students of astrology can progress faster if they get validated knowledge. This is also good for the development of Vedhic astrology. Therefore, I decided to publish my notes from various classical texts as a manual. This is a good reference book for novice students of Vedhic astrology. While making my notes I referred to many classical texts including Bruhath P...